Briefings and research projects from the AQi

PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS: What actually are they and what do they tell us?
According to the latest PISA results, England’s science scores are still on a downward trajectory that started a decade ago. Yet TIMSS, another respected study, has science performances rising. Which of them is right? Is one more valid than the other? In this blog AQi examines three International Large-Scale Assessments and finds that, although they may look the same from a distance, get up close and you’ll find they are very different beasts.
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Levers of change: Ways that policymakers can shape the education system
With a general election looming there is much debate in the world of education about the next government’s decisions on what our children learn. But deciding this is only part of the issue for any new government. Just as important is understanding how they can actually implement those decisions. Knowing the advantages and drawbacks of all the different levers at government’s disposal is vital. In this blog, AQA’s head of external affairs Reza Schwitzer discusses what these levers are and their pros and cons.
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Bacc again: A policy briefing on baccalaureate curriculum models
What could a baccalaureate look like in England? AQi explores some of the options.
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Computer science and on-screen assessment: Lessons for policymakers
Evaluating the barriers and benefits to on-screen assessment among AQA A-level Computer Science teachers.
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On-screen Assessment in England’s Exam System
Exploring what on-screen assessment could mean for GCSE and A-Level students in England.
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Stepping Stone: the future of the EBacc and student progression
Over a decade since its inception, AQi explores whether the EBacc curriculum is the right stepping stone to post-16 study and training for pupils in England.
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Comparable Outcomes: Setting the standard?
What is the comparable outcomes framework, how does it underpin grade standards and are there alternatives?
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Functional Skills Qualifications: The first decade
Ten years after they were launched, this briefing looks at the future of Functional Skills Qualifications and the levelling-up agenda
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Singapore: where is the poster child of global education heading now?
We look beyond the international league tables
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Finland: Educating the whole child
Making equality of opportunity the defining objective of a nation's educational strategy
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